ROW 1: Chain 6. Skip first 3 Chains. Double Crochet in 4th, 5th, and 6th Chain from hook. (First Square made.)
ROW 3: Turn your work. Chain 6. Double crochet in 4th, 5th, & 6th chain from the hook. (Increase Square made). Then, slip stitch into chain 3 space of the next square. In that space, make ** chain 3, 3 double crochets. Then, slip stitch into the chain 3 space of the next square ** Repeat from ** to ** across, until last square of that row.
DECREASE ROW -- Turn your work. Chain 3. Slip stitch into chain 3 of the next square. **Chain 3, 3 double crochets in same space. Slip stitch into next chain 3. ** Repeat from ** to ** across row. NOTE: do NOT make 3 double crochets in that last chain 3. Stop with the slip stitch, then turn your work.
CONTINUE to end: Work decrease row each row. Slip stitch into last chain 3 space. Finish off. |